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┌─┐    .   .     .    P    R    E    S    E    N    T    S    .  .  .    .   ┌─┐
└:┘                      WestWind Markdown Monster v3.2                      └:┘
 .                    https://markdownmonster.west-wind.com/                  .
 ┌──────────┬───════════════════════───┐ ┌────────────┬───═════════════════───┐
 │ TYPE.....│ MD TEXT EDITOR           │ │ PACKER...│ TEAM BYTE               │
 │ DiSKS....│ 03 x 10MB                │ │ CRACKER..│ TEAM BYTE               │
 : METHOD...│ CRACKED                  : : SUPPLiER.│ TEAM BYTE               :
 . RELEASED.│ 01/25/2024               . . PROTECT..│ Custom + Online check   .
 │ REQUiREMENTS: Windows 10 or later + .NET 8.0 & WebView2 Runtime            │
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘

 :                           -= [ RELEASE iNFO ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .
  Markdown Monster is a powerful, yet easy to use, dedicated Markdown editor
  with syntax highlighting and sophisticated and fast edit features.
  A compact, synced, live preview lets you see your output as you type and
  scroll. Easily embed or paste imgs, links, tables and code using raw markup
  or our smart UI helpers to simplify many operations with a few keystrokes
  or a click or two. Paste images from the clipboard or drag and drop from
  Explorer or our built-in file browser. Inline spell-checking and word
  counts keep your content streamlined.

  You can export Markdown to PDF or HTML on disk or copy Markdown selections 
  as HTML to the clipboard. The HTML preview can display syntax colored code
  snippets for most coding languages. 
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                           -= [ iNSTALLATiON ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .

  - Unpack
  - Install
  - Copy contents of CRACK folder to install directory
  - Enjoy.   
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                              -= [ GREETS ] =-                              :
 .                                   ~~~~~~                                   .

                      SKID ROW - AEROHOLiCS - RLTS - TiTAN                        

 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                         -= [ ADDiTiONAL NOTES ] =-                         :
 .                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                              .

         If you enjoy using this software, please consider supporting the
               developers by PURCHASING a legitimate license!                  
 .                                                                            .
┌:┐                                                                          ┌:┐
└─┘ .  .  ▄  . .      .  .     . .  .   .  .  ▄  . .   .  .     . .   ▄  .  .└─┘
 .  ▄      .  .  ▄  .  .    .  . ▄ . .      .  .    .  .     . .   .   .  .   .
 .    .      .        .                            .                        ▄  
   .  .   T    E    A    M      B    Y    T    E      2    0    2    4   .    .
 .   .        .              .        .                                      . 
    . .   .      .  .  . .      .  .     . .      .  .  .  .  .      ▄  .  .   
 .    . ▄   .  .     .   .   . ▄    . .  .   .  . ▄    . .      .  .     .    .
