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                       The White Octave - Style No. 6312
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||||||     -----------------=--=  RELEASEiNFO  =-=-------------------     ||||||
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|||        Artist Name_____> The White Octave                                |||
|||        Album Name______> Style No. 6312                                  |||
|||        Label___________> Deep Elm                                        |||
|||        Genre___________> Indie                                           |||
|||        URL_____________>                          |||
|||        Release Date____> 2023-09-30                                      |||
|||        Street Date_____> 2000-00-00                                      |||
|||        Size____________> 275.10mb                                         ||
||         Playtime________> 39:26                                            ||
||         Encoder_________> FLAC 1.3.1                                       ||
||         Quality_________> 910 kbps / 44.1khz / 2 channels                  ||
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|          -----------------=--=   TRACKLiST   =-=-------------------          |
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|          1  Appeals For Insertion                              3:08          |
|          2  Crashing The Clarion                               2:25          |
|          3  Devise Executes                                    3:46          |
|          4  Etc.                                               0:57          |
|          5  Call The Kiss                                      4:54          |
|          6  Piss And Vinegar                                   2:29          |
|          7  Piss And Vinegar                                   2:29          |
|          8  Crossing The Rubicon                               3:34          |
|          9  No Resolution Theory                               3:59          |
|          10 This Is Not A Subsistence Existence                0:48          |
|          11 South                                              3:08          |
|          12 Guts And Black Stuff                               1:55          |
|          13 Style No. 6312                                     5:54          |
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|          -----------------=--=   N O T E S   =-=-------------------          |
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|          Here's one of my favourite deep elm records, featuring Steve        |
|          Pederson from Cursive.. who later when on to form Criteria. Some    |
|          of the most depressing and beautiful music I've heard to this day.  |
|          Their live shows were also incredible, amongst the best I've seen   |
|          of the genre. On par with Mineral imo. Good times.                  |
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|          -----------------=--=   GREETiNGS   =-=-------------------          |
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