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 :                                                                          :
 |  :::.                 .::: Dr. MARIO PRESENTS :::.                 .:::  |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
 | :                                                                      : |
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 | |                       Pepakura Designer v6.0.0                       | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                                 (c)                                  | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                            Tama Software                             | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                             Windows x64                              | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 |  :::.                   .::: ABOUT RELEASE :::.                    .:::  |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
 | :                                                                      : |
 | |                    Release Date : 14/05/2024                         | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                         Cracker : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                        Supplier : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                        Packager : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                            Type : 3D model unfolding to papercraft   | |
 | |                      Protection : Serial                             | |
 | |                     Language(s) : English, Japanese, Chinese,        | |
 | |                                   Spanish, Deutsch                   | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 | ::::.                    .::: DESCRiPTiON :::.                     .:::: |

  With Pepakura DesignerÆs intuitive interface, effortlessly convert your 3D
  digital designs into printable 2D patterns. Craft intricate papercraft
  models, design bespoke costumes and props for your next cosplay, or engage
  students with hands-on educational projects. Architects and designers can
  create accurate architectural models, and artists can bring their three-
  dimensional art to life.

  Not only does Pepakura Designer offer a plethora of tools for editing and
  customizing your patterns, but it also features compatibility with cutting
  machines like Silhouette CAMEO. This ensures precision cutting of your
  printed designs, saving time and guaranteeing outstanding results.


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 | :::.                      .::: HOW TO USE :::.                      .::: |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
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 | |                        Extract all archives.                         | |
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 | |             Read the help file(s) in "DrMARIO" directory.            | |
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 | :::.                       .::: GREETiNGS :::.                      .::: |
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 | |             All groups and individuals who crack for fun.            | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 | :::.                    .::: Dr. MARIO iNFO :::.                    .::: |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
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 | |                You can't contact Dr. MARIO at the moment.            | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
 :_____________________                                _____________________:
                       '-=:[ Dr. MARIO SiNCE 1990 ]:=-'
