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   =000000006  j000@"N00g #000&    00000000000Qg   000    p000&#00000000^   
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   7M000MM00000000#     0000006M00 #00   ]00k     ]0000 J00000f 400000M'     
 | _ 00     _p00000,   j00fQ00   00000 &,_00f  _4000400000M000  ]00'_pg0MM00~|
 | 0M00gpg000000M00&  _00# 400    0000c#0M00NM0000#  00009]00#  j000000000@  |
 | ^0000000000M  ^000N000  40!     000f 0000000MM~   4000  00& =000000~~     |
 |   M~~~~~~`      ~M#M~   4^      ~0M^   M~~^        ^~`  00&  0MM^         |
 |                                                         00N               |
 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|
                      NNFlowVector v2.2.1 for Nuke 15.0 CUDA              



                                  Windows x64

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
  ]~       g0M`    j0^  _p00M~`     ^MI  4M`     `M000&_  ]&g    ^M0&       ]   
   g_     BM   _pg00^_g000~           `  `           ~000p_~00gg_   M&     _g   
   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
          M000000~^                                          `~00000M!          

            TEAM BONDYE :......Supplier | Type..........: Nuke plugin
            TEAM BONDYE :......Packager | Protection....: RLM
            TEAM BONDYE :.......Cracker | Released on...: 01/06/2024

           __,_                                                 ____            
          j0M000&p,               -----------                ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            DESCRiPTiON           _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         -----------          _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

  NNFlowVector is an optical flow plugin for FoundryÆs Nuke. ItÆs using state
  of the art AI/deep learning technology to produce really accurate motion
  vectors. ItÆs able to produce classic motion vectors, but also the more
  advanced type smart vectors.
  The algorithm that generates the optical flow motion vectors is based on
  modern state of the art neural network technology (also commonly referred to
  as deep learning, machine learning or artificial intelligence). This makes
  it possible to produce more accurate and cleaner vectors than what has been
  previously possible to do using more traditional mathematical methods.

           __,_                                                 ____            
          j0M000&p,               ------------               ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            iNSTALLATiON            _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         ------------       _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00g.  
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
  ]~       g0M`    j0^  _p00M~`     ^MI  4M`     `M000&_  ]&g    ^M0&       ]   
   g_     BM   _pg00^_g000~           `  `           ~000p_~00gg_   M&     _g   
   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
      |   M000000~^                                          `~00000M!   |       
      |                                                           `      |      
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |  
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
      |    __,_                                                 ____     |     
      |   j0M000&p,                                          ,g000000g   |       
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,                                    _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,                              _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     
                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.
