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 | ^0000000000M  ^000N000  40!     000f 0000000MM~   4000  00& =000000~~     |
 |   M~~~~~~`      ~M#M~   4^      ~0M^   M~~^        ^~`  00&  0MM^         |
 |                                                         00N               |
 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|
                           TopoGun v3.0 Build 27840



                                  macOS x64

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   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
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   g_     BM   _pg00^_g000~           `  `           ~000p_~00gg_   M&     _g   
   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
          M000000~^                                          `~00000M!          

            TEAM BONDYE :......Supplier | Type..........: 3D Retopology Tool
            TEAM BONDYE :......Packager | Protection....: Online Activation
            TEAM BONDYE :.......Cracker | Released on...: 23/05/2024

           __,_                                                 ____            
          j0M000&p,               -----------                ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            DESCRiPTiON           _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         -----------          _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

  TopoGun is a stand-alone retopologizing and maps baking application.

  In today's 3D graphics, high quality 3D models, due to their nature,
  usually have millions of polygons. This is because most of today's 3D
  models are created from real world scanned models, or they are digital
  sculptures, created using brush based 3D sculpting applications.

  The retopologizing functions in TopoGun will help you modify and/or
  recreate the edgeflow of your digital 3D models.

  The maps baking functions will help you bake various types of texture maps
  from your high resolution 3D models and then allow you to apply them to
  your newly created optimized meshes. These texture maps contain
  information that will help you recover the appearance and features of the
  original high resolution mesh.

           __,_                                                 ____            
          j0M000&p,               ------------               ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            iNSTALLATiON            _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         ------------       _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00g.  
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
  ]~       g0M`    j0^  _p00M~`     ^MI  4M`     `M000&_  ]&g    ^M0&       ]   
   g_     BM   _pg00^_g000~           `  `           ~000p_~00gg_   M&     _g   
   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
      |   M000000~^                                          `~00000M!   |       
      |                                                           `      |      
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |  
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
      |    __,_                                                 ____     |     
      |   j0M000&p,                                          ,g000000g   |       
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,                                    _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,                              _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     
                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.
