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    ░░▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒░ . .    .      . .   ░    .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .    .
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 . .  .  .   .  ██▓████▓██▄ . ██    ██     ▓██  .  .▄████▓████  .  .  ▄ .     .
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 .   .   ▄     . ▒ █▓█    █▓█ █▓█▄▄▄█▓█  ▓.███▓████.█▓█  . ██▓  .       .    . 
    .       .     ▄███▄▄▄███ .█████████ .░  █▓█  █ ▄███▄▄▄ . ░    .  .     .   
  .     .    .   ███▓██████▄  ▄▄▄ . █▒█   . █▒█ . ███▒████     .   ▄   .     . 
 .  ▄      .   . ░ █▒█   .██▄ █▓█   █▓█ .   █▒█  . .███ .  █▄  .      .   ▄   .
     .   .  .  ▄   █░█.   █▒█ █▒█.  █▒█  ░ .█░█   . █░█   .█░█     .   .     . 
  .     .     .   ▄█░██████░█ █░█████░█.  ▄██░██ . ██░██████░█  .    .   .     
     .   .   .  .   .   .     .    .    .    .    .    .    .     .  . .    .  
┌─┐    .   .     .    P    R    E    S    E    N    T    S    .  .  .    .   ┌─┐
└:┘            OkMap Desktop v18.2.0 64-Bit incl Keygen and Patch            └:┘
 .                           https://www.okmap.org/                           .
 ┌──────────┬───════════════════════───┐ ┌────────────┬───═════════════════───┐
 │ TYPE.....│ GPS/MAPS                 │ │ PACKER.....│ TEAM BYTE             │
 │ DiSKS....│ 05 x 10MB                │ │ CRACKER....│ TEAM BYTE             │
 : METHOD...│ KEYGEN + PATCH           : : SUPPLiER...│ TEAM BYTE             :
 . RELEASED.│ 01/24/2023               . . PROTECTiON.│ Dotfusc.+Online Check .
 │ REQUiREMENTS: Windows x64 + .NET Framework, Minimum 1 GB RAM               │
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘

 :                           -= [ RELEASE iNFO ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .
   OkMap is an interactive software which allows you to work on your   
   computer screen with web maps or digital maps that you have either bought  
   or scanned. OkMap can also import vectorial data from the most common    
   formats and DEM data relevant to height information.
   Through these maps, you can organize your paths by creating waypoints, 
   routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your 
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                           -= [ iNSTALLATiON ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .

  - Unpack
  - Install
  - Copy contents of CRACK folder to install directory/BIN
  - Use our keygen to generate a serial and register the application
  - Enjoy.   
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                              -= [ GREETS ] =-                              :
 .                                   ~~~~~~                                   .

                      SKID ROW - AEROHOLiCS - RLTS - TiTAN                        

 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                         -= [ ADDiTiONAL NOTES ] =-                         :
 .                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                              .

      If you enjoy using this software, please consider supporting the
               developers by PURCHASING a legitimate license!                  

 .                                                                            .
┌:┐                                                                          ┌:┐
└─┘ .  .  ▄  . .      .  .     . .  .   .  .  ▄  . .   .  .     . .   ▄  .  .└─┘
 .  ▄      .  .  ▄  .  .    .  . ▄ . .      .  .    .  .     . .   .   .  .   .
 .    .      .        .                            .                        ▄  
   .  .   T    E    A    M      B    Y    T    E      2    0    2    4   .    .
 .   .        .              .        .                                      . 
    . .   .      .  .  . .      .  .     . .      .  .  .  .  .      ▄  .  .   
 .    . ▄   .  .     .   .   . ▄    . .  .   .  . ▄    . .      .  .     .    .
