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    ²Û²²ß  Ü²Ý         Nevercenter Silo Pro v2023.4          Þ²Ü   ²²Û²
    ²Û²Ý  ±²²²ÜÜ         (c) Nevercenter Ltd. Co.          Üܲ²²±  Þ²Û²
    ²Û²ß  ß±²ßßßßßß                                     ßßßßßß²±ß  ß²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  Cracker ....: Team F4CG    Release Date ....: 09-01-2023   ²Û²
    ²Û²  Supplier ...: Team F4CG    OS Type .........: Windows      ²Û²
    ²Û²  Packer .....: GiftWrap     Number Of Disks .: [xx/04]      ²Û²
    ²²²  Protection .: Trial        Program Type ....: Application  ²²²
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    °±²²ÛÛÝ    SITE:               ÞÛÛ²²±°
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    ²Û²²ß      RELEASE NOTES:                                     ß²²Û²
    ²Û²Ý                                                           Þ²Û²
    ²Û²  Silo 2 is a focused 3D modeling application with the       ²Û²
    ²Û²  ability to effortlessly switch between organically         ²Û²
    ²Û²  sculpting high-polygon models and precisely controlling    ²Û²
    ²Û²  hard-edged surfaces. It can be used for anything from      ²Û²
    ²Û²  creating 3D characters for video games and movies to       ²Û²
    ²Û²  quickly exploring 3D architectural ideas.                  ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  Silo is currently being used at top studios worldwide as   ²Û²
    ²Û²  both a stand-alone design tool and as a versatile element  ²Û²
    ²Û²  of a multi-software 3D graphics workflow.                  ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  Pure, Focused 3D Modeling                                  ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  Silo brings 3D modeling zen to artists via a clean,        ²Û²
    ²Û²  focused environment and a streamlined toolset, honed over  ²Û²
    ²Û²  years of development. It was initially born of our own     ²Û²
    ²Û²  frustration with the needless complexity and slow,         ²Û²
    ²Û²  unmanageable workflows of all-in-one graphics software.    ²Û²
    ²Û²  We single-mindedly devoted Silo to modeling, discovering   ²Û²
    ²Û²  that the modeling workflow could be made much simpler      ²Û²
    ²Û²  without sacrificing any power. This unique approach has    ²Û²
    ²Û²  attracted in equal number students, hobbyists, and         ²Û²
    ²Û²  professional artists in film, games, architecture, and     ²Û²
    ²Û²  other fields looking to maximize their production. (Read   ²Û²
    ²Û²  interviews with professional artists using Silo.)          ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  At Silo's heart is an innovative, robust, and 100%         ²Û²
    ²Û²  customizable polygon editing toolset, suitable to both     ²Û²
    ²Û²  organic and hard-surface modeling. This polygonal base     ²Û²
    ²Û²  mesh is used to drive subdivision surfaces if desired:     ²Û²
    ²Û²  just hit C and V to navigate between subdivision levels    ²Û²
    ²Û²  and the base mesh at any time. Those coming to Silo from   ²Û²
    ²Û²  other applications will find that, despite having fewer    ²Û²
    ²Û²  tools, Silo isn't lacking any functionality. Instead,      ²Û²
    ²Û²  basic modeling tools such as Tweak, Cut, Bevel, Extrude,   ²Û²
    ²Û²  and Slide intelligently adapt to the task at hand based    ²Û²
    ²Û²  on context, drastically cutting down on the time spent     ²Û²
    ²Û²  switching or hunting for tools. (Watch                     ²Û²
    ²Û²  context-sensitivity in action with the Cut Tool.)          ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  On top of this core toolset we've added non-destructive    ²Û²
    ²Û²  brush-based displacement painting (especially useful for   ²Û²
    ²Û²  high res meshes or directly editing subdivision layers),   ²Û²
    ²Û²  advanced uv unwrapping, and the unique Topology Brush      ²Û²
    ²Û²  which lets you literally draw a new edge flow onto a 3D    ²Û²
    ²Û²  surface. Intuitive, advanced selection tools including     ²Û²
    ²Û²  Tweak, Loop, Ring, Path, Grow/Shrink, and Soft Selection   ²Û²
    ²Û²  are key to a fast, fluid workflow. (Watch how Tweak lets   ²Û²
    ²Û²  you instantly grab and adjust points, edges, and faces to  ²Û²
    ²Û²  organically reshape the model.)                            ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  Finally, we've priced Silo to be accessible to everyone.   ²Û²
    ²Û²  We strongly believe that inexpensive 3d modeling need not  ²Û²
    ²Û²  sacrifice any quality, and we've designed Silo to prove    ²Û²
    ²Û²  it.                                                        ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²        INSTALLATION NOTES:                                  ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  1. Unzip, unrar and run setup/install.                     ²Û²
    ²Û²  2. Enjoy!                                                  ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²        GROUP NEWS:                                          ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²  No group news available at this moment ...                 ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²   ÜÜß                                                 ßÜÜ   ²Û²
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    ±²²²ÛÛÝ                                                     ÞÛÛ²²²±
    °°± ßß²²ÛÜ       IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGGIE, BUY IT!       ÜÛ²²ßß ±°°
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     °° ±²²ß Ü²ß                                           ß²Ü ß²²± °°
    °°± ßÜÜßß                                                 ßßÜÜß ±°°
    °±²²ß      F4CG GREETINGS:                                    ß²²±°
    ±²ÛÝ                                                           ÞÛ²±
    ²Û²ß   All current and past F4CG members wherever you are.     ß²Û²
    ²Û²    All hard-working/secure groups in the real scene.        ²Û²
    ²Û²                                                             ²Û²
    ²Û²²Ü                                                         ܲ²Û²
    ²Û²²ßß ÜÜß                                               ßÜÜ ßß²²Û²
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