

Top Poster Of Month
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 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|
                 KeyShot Network Rendering 2024.2 v13.2.0.184



                                 Windows x64

            Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian,
               Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese,
                Chinese traditionnal, Czech, Polish, Russian

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
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   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
          M000000~^                                          `~00000M!          
        Supplier :..............BONDYE    Type.........: CG/3D rendering
        Packager :..............BONDYE    Protection...: FlexNet Licensing
        Cracker :...............BONDYE    Released on..: 21/11/2024

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          j0M000&p,               -----------                ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            DESCRiPTiON           _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         -----------          _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
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    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

    KeyShot is a stand-alone, real-time ray tracing and global
    illumination program used to create 3D renderings, animations and
    interactive visuals. With its CPU-based architecture, photo
    realistic real-time rendering can be achieved on both Mac and PC,
    even on laptops, without the need for high-end graphics cards.

    KeyShot Studio is the culmination of decades of innovation and
    collaboration with product industry leaders. Designed for those who
    demand ultimate accuracy and instant results in 3D rendering, it
    integrates cutting-edge technology into a sleek, easy-to-use

    KeyShot supports more 3D file formats than any other rendering
    software, importing over 25 different file types. It has a simple
    user interface with drag-n-drop material and environment presets,
    interactive labeling, texture mapping, physical lighting, animation
    and much more.

    Everything inside KeyShot happens in real-time. KeyShot uses
    unique rendering technology which makes it possible to see all
    changes to materials, lighting, and cameras instantly.

    You dont have to be a rendering expert to create photorealistic
    images of your 3D models. Simply import your data, assign materials
    by dragging and dropping them onto the model, adjust the lighting,
    and move the camera. Done.

    KeyShot is the most accurate rendering solution for your 3D data.
    KeyShot is built on Luxions internally developed, physically
    correct render engine based on research in the areas of
    scientifically accurate material representation and global

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          j0M000&p,               ------------               ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            iNSTALLATiON            _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         ------------       _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00g.  
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
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   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
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   g_     BM   _pg00^_g000~           `  `           ~000p_~00gg_   M&     _g   
   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
      |   M000000~^                                          `~00000M!   |       
      |                                                           `      |      
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |  
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
      |    __,_                                                 ____     |     
      |   j0M000&p,                                          ,g000000g   |       
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,                                    _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,                              _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     
                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.