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 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|

                                EmberGen v1.2.1



                                  Windows x64

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            TEAM BONDYE :......Supplier | Type..........: Particle system
            TEAM BONDYE :......Packager | Protection....: LimeLM
            TEAM BONDYE :.......Cracker | Released on...: 10/08/2024

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  Create Stunning Fire, Smoke, and Explosions in Real-time.

  EmberGen for Games

  We're proud to say that EmberGen is currently used in over 200 leading game
  studios. Our games specific workflow has been battle-tested in production
  for years. From fire and explosions, to energy and magical effects,
  realistic or stylized, EmberGen can do it. Not only does EmberGen allow for
  real-time iteration, but its ease of use and built-in texture export
  features are unparalleled.

  Effortlessly Generate Flipbooks & Sprite Sheets

  EmberGen has a flipbook workflow unlike any other visual effects package in
  the industry. Generate game-ready, fully assembled flipbooks in seconds,
  then preview your flipbook animations with our inspector tool. Need to make
  a change? No problem, itÆll only take a few seconds. We built EmberGen from
  the ground up with games in mind.

  Iterate with Unprecedented Speed

  We get it: A single flipbook traditionally takes over a week to get right
  and is reused over and over. We got sick of that struggle and built EmberGen
  to give us the results we needed. EmberGen uses the full power of your
  GPUùso you can simulate and render volumetric phenomena in real-time for
  faster iterations than ever before. Utilize random seeds to generate new
  variations on the fly. All simulations are deterministic, so you can be sure
  the simulation is the same each time you open your project.


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     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            iNSTALLATiON            _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         ------------       _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00g.
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   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `

                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&
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   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`
      |   M000000~^                                          `~00000M!   |
      |                                                           `      |
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
      |    __,_                                                 ____     |
      |   j0M000&p,                                          ,g000000g   |
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,                                    _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_
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  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `
                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.
