How to Write Exceptional Resumes and Cover Letters to Forward Your Career: Profess...


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pdf | 8.19 MB | English | Isbn:9781543917451 | Author: Tim Larkin | Year: 2017

About ebook: How to Write Exceptional Resumes and Cover Letters to Forward Your Career: Professional Guidance to Support You Step By Step

Here's How This Book will Help you, Specifically. Inside this book you will find a simple Blueprint for making successful job applications. It is the guiding light, the logic that underpins everything we do, making for an easy and sensible process to follow. You'll find plenty of examples, tips and advice to support you in creating exceptional job applications focussed on one thing: advancing your career. Here's the Blueprint: • Align the job application precisely with the job advertisement • Communicate directly to the recruiter • Make it easy for the recruiter to find the information they want • Produce clean, simple documents that are easy to read • Eliminate errors Hitting on these 5 points will improve your chances of success and the simple step by step guide covers these points and much more. Here's what you'll find inside: Introduction How to get the most out of this book, the job application process, the Successful Applications Formula, rookie mistakes. Module 1 Who job applications are targeted to, how recruiters deal with multiple applications, Automatic Tracking Systems, Blueprint for making successful job applications. Module 2 The job advertisement, Selection Criteria, capturing all information, company information. Module 3 Providing evidence - this is all about supporting your skills and experience with numbers, results and facts that back up your claims. A host of examples, ideas and tips are provided to help you come up with as much evidence as possible. Everyone uses the obvious numbers like KPI scores, performance to target percentages, amount of revenue responsible for etc. And there's so much more! With some thought and effort, you'll find there's a lot more information you could be bringing to the table. Module 4 The cover letter - first impressions, cover letter structure, structure in detail, example cover letters with notes. Module 5 The Resume Part 1 - The structure. Every component of the structure shown and explained with plenty of examples, guidance and advice. Includes how to use job history dates, how to deal with gaps in your job history, optimising company descriptions, how to describe each job in your work history, Results with plenty of examples and explanation, education/professional qualifications/development, the finished product, re-cap. Module 6 The Resume Part 2 - What not to put in your resume, where to put education/professional qualifications/development, how much space to allocate to each job, how to use company information, how to cover as many of the Selection Criteria as possible, what if you have a limited job history, addressing weaknesses (we all have them)!, summary, checklist, a reality check! Will this Book Work for You? Think about this: you have a logical framework that drives every step of this book - the Blueprint. It's a simple and sensible process over 6 Modules that describes each step, with a stack of tips, examples and ideas to show how every component works and why. This is a practical book, no fluff and bubble here! BUT..THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! This book cannot write your cover letters and resumes/CV's for you. It's for people prepared to understand the concepts and implement them. It's for people prepared to invest some time to maximise their chances of career progression. If you are dissatisfied with your current job applications in any way, I sincerely hope that this book can be a valuable resource for you. Wishing you well with your career aspirations!

Category:Business, Business Life & Careers, Careers & Employment, Cover Letters, Resumes & Interviews
