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 :                                                                          :
 |  :::.                 .::: Dr. MARIO PRESENTS :::.                 .:::  |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
 | :                                                                      : |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                          Modern CSV v2.0.8                           | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                                 (c)                                  | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                           Gallium Digital                            | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                             Windows x64                              | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 |  :::.                   .::: ABOUT RELEASE :::.                    .:::  |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
 | :                                                                      : |
 | |                    Release Date : 14/05/2024                         | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                         Cracker : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                        Supplier : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                        Packager : Dr. MARIO                          | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 | |                            Type : Advanced CSV Editor                | |
 | |                      Protection : Serial                             | |
 | |                     Language(s) : English                            | |
 | |                                                                      | |
 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
 |                                                                          |
 | ::::.                    .::: DESCRiPTiON :::.                     .:::: |

  Modern CSV is a powerful tabular file editor/viewer application for
  Windows, Mac, and Linux. Professionals at all levels of technical
  proficiency use it to analyze data, check files for uploading to
  databases, modify configuration files, maintain customer lists, and more.

  We designed it to compensate for the deficiencies of spreadsheet programs
  in handling CSV/TSV/DSV/etc. files. We strive to create a user experience
  our customers describe as "blissful".


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 | :::.                      .::: HOW TO USE :::.                      .::: |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
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 | |                        Extract all archives.                         | |
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 | |             Read the help file(s) in "DrMARIO" directory.            | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 | :::.                       .::: GREETiNGS :::.                      .::: |
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 | |             All groups and individuals who crack for fun.            | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
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 | :::.                    .::: Dr. MARIO iNFO :::.                    .::: |
 !  ______________________________________________________________________  !
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 | |                You can't contact Dr. MARIO at the moment.            | |
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 ! :______________________________________________________________________: !
 :_____________________                                _____________________:
                       '-=:[ Dr. MARIO SiNCE 1990 ]:=-'
