Enlightened Path towards the True Essence of Geeta. Chapter 9: Vidya Yoga - Abhiji...


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pdf | 10.93 MB | English | | Author: Abhijit Telang | Year: 2022

About ebook: Enlightened Path towards the True Essence of Geeta. Chapter 9: Vidya Yoga (The Pathway to Salvation and Ultimate Freedom)

Enlightened Path Towards the True Essence of Geeta.
The verses are referred to by their numbers as per the Bhavartha Deepika (Composition's purpose is to enlighten the true meanings as laid out in the Sacred texts of Geeta) which is the name of original composition by 13th century Maharashtrian Saint Dnyaneshwar.
They should be referred to for context and to build an understanding of the original text as it is and this humble interpretation by Author should be just considered an individualistic imagination and effort to understand and feel the devotion towards Lord Krishna.
Author has tried to explain the verses as they are, wherever possible, and then expanded with creative freedom on what could be the symbolism and analogies the verses that can be derived from. Whatever is derived, or expressed in parallel symbolism or analogies, thus express the Author's individual opinion and imagination.
Author has also tried to interpret the tale in an original manner (in context of the deriving the parallelism, using the parallelisms, symbolisms and analogies and in providing examples) in addition to what has already been written by Shri Dnyaneshwar as elucidated in composed in Marathi verses as it existed during 13th Century.
Author has leveraged the verses, and their sequence and corresponding chapters or adhyayas as they are referred to by Shri Dnyneshwar to structure his own interpretations of symbolisms that may exist or can be derived, however they should be taken as creative liberties to expand on, while preserving the original intention of the sacred tale.
Abhijit Telang

Category:Religion, Hinduism, Literature & Sacred Texts - Hinduism
