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  .     .    .   ███▓██████▄  ▄▄▄ . █▒█   . █▒█ . ███▒████     .   ▄   .     . 
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┌─┐    .   .     .    P    R    E    S    E    N    T    S    .  .  .    .   ┌─┐
└:┘                          DEVNZ TSCapture v3.0.0                          └:┘
 .               .
 ┌──────────┬───════════════════════───┐ ┌────────────┬───═════════════════───┐
 │ TYPE.....│DIGITAL TV CAPTURE        │ │ PACKER.....│TEAM BYTE              │
 │ DiSKS....│2                         │ │ CRACKER....│TEAM BYTE              │
 : METHOD...│CRACK                     : : SUPPLiER...│TEAM BYTE              :
 . RELEASED.│01/13/2024                . . PROTECTiON.│PWND !                 .
 │ REQUiREMENTS: .NET Framework v4.0 + Digital Tuner                          │
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘

 :                           -= [ RELEASE iNFO ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .

  TS Capture is a Windows utility for capturing digital television broadcasts.
  It enables you to capture a full broadcast transport stream containing
  multiple channels, or capture a single channel from within that broadcast.

  TS Capture is compatible with all major digital televsion standards in use 
  world-wide, including ATSC, QAM, DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C and DMB-T. 
  TS Capture will work with any device that has BDA drivers, 
  and has been tested with a wide variety of devices from popular manufactures
  like Hauppauge, BlackGold, PCTV etc. Also supported are SAT>IP and HDHomeRun
  network tuners.
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                           -= [ iNSTALLATiON ] =-                           :
 .                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                .
  - Unpack
  - Install
  - Copy contents of CRACK folder to install directory
  - Enjoy.
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                              -= [ GREETS ] =-                              :
 .                                   ~~~~~~                                   .

                      SKID ROW - AEROHOLiCS - RLTS - TiTAN                      
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 └───═══─═══─═══─═══─══─══─═─═─═────────      ────    ─────   ──────  ────  ──┘
 :                         -= [ ADDiTiONAL NOTES ] =-                         :
 .                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                              .

        If you enjoy using this software, please consider supporting the
                  developers by PURCHASING a legitimate license!                 
 .                                                                            .
┌:┐                                                                          ┌:┐
└─┘ .  .  ▄  . .      .  .     . .  .   .  .  ▄  . .   .  .     . .   ▄  .  .└─┘
 .  ▄      .  .  ▄  .  .    .  . ▄ . .      .  .    .  .     . .   .   .  .   .
 .    .      .        .                            .                        ▄  
   .  .   T    E    A    M      B    Y    T    E      2    0    2    4   .    .
 .   .        .              .        .                                      . 
    . .   .      .  .  . .      .  .     . .      .  .  .  .  .      ▄  .  .   
 .    . ▄   .  .     .   .   . ▄    . .  .   .  . ▄    . .      .  .     .    .
