Broforce Deluxe Edition INTERNAL NSW-LiGHTFORCE


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               > >>   Broforce: Deluxe Edition (c) Devolver   << <
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      |______|      r E l E A s E   i n f O r m A t i O n         |______|

                     Console System.: Nintendo Switch
                     Game Type......: Action, Platformer, Adventure
                     Region.........: Europe
                     Languages......: Multi 8
                     Release Date...: 2024-02-27
                     Street Date....: 2024-02-23
                     Backup Format..: XCI
                     Size/Format....: 2 GB
                     Orginal........: Retail Cartridge
                     Version........: v1.0.2795
                     Required.FW....: 16.0.3
                     Tested with....: Atmosphere 1.6.2 & FW 17.0.1
                     Titel ID.......: 010060A00B53C800 [v196608]
                     Languages......: English, Spanish, French, 
                                      German, Italian, Portuguese,
                                      Korean and Japanese

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      |  \_____\\____\\___\\__\\_\\\      g A m E   i n f O s     |      |
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         When evil threatens the world, the world calls on Broforce
         - an under-funded, over-powered paramilitary organization
         dealing exclusively in excessive force. Brace your loins
         with up to four players to run n gun as dozens of 
         different bros and eliminate the opposing terrorist 
         forces that threaten our way of life.
         Unleash scores of unique weapons and set off incredible
         chain reactions of fire, napalm, and limbs in the name 
         of freedom.
         The physical SKU includes all the games expansions and
         updates in cartridge, including the latest Broforce 
         Forever Update making this the ultimate version of the 
         The final update (Broforce Forever) offers an improved 
         and expanded campaign with new unlocks, along with six
         new ultra patriotic bros, four new new democracy-
         spreading challenge levels, and the ultimate expression
         of military might - bug fixes!

         - The Broforce: Deliver your own brand of shock and 
           awe with dozens of bros each with their own unique 
           weaponry and special attacks designed to dispatch 
           freedom across the world.
         - Bro-Op and Deathmatch: Battle terrorism with up to 
           four players in cooperative mode or sever ties with
           your bros and face each other in several bombastic
           competitive modes.
         - Fully Destructible Everything: Destructible terrain
           opens up a slew of strategic options while the 
           abundance of Exploding Red Barrels of Justice can 
           literally level the playing field with one shot.

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         Apparently the marketing department did not talk much with
         the technicians, which prepared the master cartridge.

         "The physical SKU includes all the games expansions and
         updates in cartridge, including the latest Broforce 
         Forever Update making this the ultimate version of the 

         They should have contact suxxors in 2023 to get also the
         latest update on the cartridge:

         It is a rip-off of customers who want/need to play 
         offline or want to collect a full version.

         Apart from that, it is a cool game with a lot of retro

         For the collectors and/or retail lovers out there. 
         Enjoy or not - like always...
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      |______|                 g r E E t i n g s                  |______|
      |     s|   Eurasia - Paradox - Venom - Abstrakt - Squire 
      |     t|      Hellfire - TRSi - Contrast - Kalisto 
      |     e|     Legacy - Complex - Fairlight - Oldskool 
      |     e|   Delight  - Duplex - HR - Wiierd - Incident
      |     l|               Niintendo - Luma - Jrp
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      |      |       - F A S T E R - T H A N - L i G H T - 
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