

Top Poster Of Month
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 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|

                           BricsCAD Ultimate v25.1.06



                                  Windows x64

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        Supplier :..............BONDYE    Type.........: CAD
        Packager :..............BONDYE    Protection...: RLM
        Cracker :...............BONDYE    Released on..: 21/11/2024

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    BricsCAD: a set of professional CAD and modeling tools made for
    designers, innovators and engineers. Without compromise.

    All product levels of BricsCAD are built on a single design platform
    offering 6 functional toolsets:

    Powerful design platform:

    BricsCAD is a modern, high-performance DWG-based CAD platform that
    accelerates your 2D & 3D design and drafting workflows.

    * BricsCAD downloads and installs quickly, offering familiar CAD
    tools that will have you working comfortably in an hour

    * Innovative AI-powered features in BricsCAD can help you go from
    design to deliverable in record time

    Robust 2D drafting:

    Quickly create the detailed drawings you need to turn your designs
    into reality.

    * A familiar drafting experience that delivers command, script,
    macro, and menu compatibility with the industry-standard CAD

    * BricsCAD LISP provides familiar customization capabilities, a
    visual editor and the highest overall performance

    Solid 3D Modeling:

    Innovative 3D modeling tools de-risk the move from 2D to 3D.

    * Leverage what you already know to move from 2D to true 3D design

    * BricsCAD supports push/pull Direct Modeling, feature-based
    modeling and high-performance parametric modeling tools, so that you
    can work the way you want

    Civil & Surveying design:

    BricsCAD offers innovative civil and survey tools to accelerate
    preliminary design work for bidding and concept development.

    * Create lightweight terrain models without compromising on
    accuracy. With BricsCAD you can import point clouds and use our
    filtering tools to create an optimized TIN surface

    * Foundational out-of-the-box tools for grading, volume calculations
    and site design

    Point Clouds for building:

    Rapidly import and process point cloud scan data, to visualize as-
    builts and guide 3D model creation.

    * BricsCAD delivers rapid point cloud pre-processing and
    visualization of all standard point cloud formats

    * Create hybrid representations using point cloud data with 2D and
    3D CAD geometry in a single file

    BIM tools in native DWG:

    Experience the power of professional 3D BIM tools, all within a
    familiar DWG-based system.

    * Move to a true open BIM workflow in hours, not weeks

    * Innovative AI-powered tools accelerate modeling, structural
    detailing, construction and fabrication processes

    2D and 3D Mechanical design:

    Reduce time-to-market with BricsCADâs advanced mechanical toolset,
    built on our familiar CAD platform.

    * Powerful 2D drafting tools speed the creation of mechanical
    layouts, details and production drawings, all in a familiar user

    * Import and edit virtually any 3D design without complex history
    limitations using the innovative direct-modeling tools

    * Quickly convert 2D or 3D designs in presentations, assembly
    instructions, or complete and accurate production drawings

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                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

     NOTE: BTCR is allowed to use our RLM crack to PRE all non english builds.

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

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      |                                                           `      |
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
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                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.