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 |                                                         00N               |
 |______________________________.:: PRESENTS ::.___________40&_______________|
                Arnold 2025.0 KtoA v4.3.4.1 for Katana 4.5-7.0



                                 Windows x64

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     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
          M000000~^                                          `~00000M!          

            TEAM BONDYE :......Supplier | Type..........: Rendering system
            TEAM BONDYE :......Packager | Protection....: RLM
            TEAM BONDYE :.......Cracker | Released on...: 27/09/2024

           __,_                                                 ____            
          j0M000&p,               -----------                ,g000000g          
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            DESCRiPTiON           _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         -----------          _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00.   
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   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

    Autodesk Arnold is a computer program for rendering three-
    dimensional, computer-generated scenes using unbiased, physically-
    based, Monte Carlo path tracing techniques.

    Arnold is one of the most widely used photorealistic rendering
    systems in computer graphics worldwide, particularly in animation
    and VFX for film and television.

    What you can do with Autodesk Arnold:

    Render high-quality 3D images

    Deliver stunning photoreal or stylized results in fewer clicks.

    Get a robust set of tools

    Save time with powerful shaders, operators, textures, and utilities.

    Manage complex projects with production-ready tools
    Arnold thrives on heavy data sets and handles complex work with

    Switch seamlessly between CPU and GPU rendering to suit your
    production needs for characters, scenery, and lighting. Get
    optimized performance when rendering elements such as hair, fur, and

    Integrate and customize your pipeline

    Easily integrate Autodesk Arnold with all the top 3D digital content
    creation tools, get the scalability and customization of an open and
    extensible architecture, and create custom shaders.

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     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,            iNSTALLATiON            _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
   p00~~~~#~M0000&g~00Mg,         ------------       _g000~jg0000P~0~~~M00g.  
  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
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   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     

                              1. Extract archives.

                          2. Read "Crack/BONDYE.txt".

                          3. Enjoy this nice release!

                                 - ---===--- -

                     And if you like it, you should buy it!

                                 - ---===--- -

    _,        _pN000&          ____         _____         _0000gg_        ,_    
   p0!      _M00M~^`~1     _gN000MMM0g    pN000000&g,     4'`~~M00&,      *0&   
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   "0Nppgg&gp0000M~g000M`                              ^M000g^M000Npg0ggpg00"   
     "~MMM0@M~~_p000M'                                    ^M00Mg_~~M00MMM~`     
      |   M000000~^                                          `~00000M!   |       
      |                                                           `      |      
      |                                                                  |
      |    According to Vodou beliefs, Bondye is the highest principle   |  
      |            in the universe and is the creator god.               |
      |                                                                  |
      |  He is responsible for both universal order and human activity.  |
      |                                                                  |
      |           He is the wholeness of the human community             |
      |                  and is the origin of all life,                  |
      |                 which ultimately belongs to him.                 |
      |                                                                  |
      |    __,_                                                 ____     |     
      |   j0M000&p,                                          ,g000000g   |       
     _gpMN00gp,_~000p,                                    _p00M~_,pg000Ngg_     
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  ]!      #g    ~M00c^M000g_          ,  ,          _p000F`p00P~   _g#      R   
  ]g       M0g_    ^M,  ~M000p_    _,gf  ]p,    __g000M^  ]M'    _p0M       p   
   M0&      `M00gp___1     ~~M000000M^    ^M0M0000M~`     4__,g000M^      q0'   
    `^         ~MM00@                                      000MM~         `     
                               .:: BONDYE 2024 ::.