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                   --/--  d e v o t i o n   2 0   y e a r s   --/--

  Oh gosh! DVT is turning 20 already? Hell yeah, we're still around and doing our 
  thing! After all these years, we care less and less about "scene" stuff every year. 
  But, we still enjoy digging through code and fiddling with bits and bytes and the 
  mysteries of reverse engineering.

  That's, what brought us to the scene and it's what keeps us doing this great hobby :-)

  Greetings to all our members and to all our friends who accompanied us over all 
  those years, you really rock!

  Check out the fantastic art pieces by hellbeard / dS! ^ imp and p0Le^SAC!

							Signed, 2024-05-23 - DVT
